Indian Style Chinese
"Street food –simple, quick, inexpensive, soul satisfying!!!!

Every traditional culture has defining elements-music, dance, literature and above all, food. The essence of a people is captured by nothing else quite as much as its traditional food. And of this, street food is the genre which feeds not only hungry bellies but also their soul! It cuts across barriers of class, caste, religion, ethnicity. When a steaming hot cup of chai appears before you on a push cart on a cold day accompanied by a waft of the aroma of freshly fried samosas, it is not difficult to forgot all your worries and be consumed by the happiness the simple snack provides!

Historically, it was a response to the need for a quick, inexpensive meal for the working classes, pausing amidst their day’s work for a quick refreshment; it is also defined by its simple recipes, fresh preparation and of course, the joy of personalized service!

Today, foodies all over the world have embraced street food. Cities have witnessed a rise in food trucks and vendors in downtowns and eateries serving ‘authentic’ street food are multiplying.

We capture the intensity of the flavours from different regions of India as reflected in their street cuisine. Coupled with our chefs trained in India’s top culinary institutions is their passion to present to you the authentic recipes of the streetfood of the streets of their hometowns. Come experience the ultimately satisfying meal with us…"
About Us
- Komal Shaikh